Baby Explorers!

I’ve tried a couple of baby programs at my library, but nothing has really stuck. The latest is really working, though! Every Saturday in March I’ve had a session with a few songs and a story followed by open play and exploration.

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This was a great chance to talk with families, see what times work for them and what they’re interested in, and show them some fun baby play ideas. I’ve learned a few things:

  • Most parents of babies in my area can’t come to weekday events!
  • Events that aren’t described as “storytime” are more welcoming to people who aren’t sure what storytime for babies looks like.
  • Promotion on the usual sources – library facebook, flyers, newspaper – really isn’t enough for new parents, who might not be in the habit of looking at those things yet. We had the best success with having posts reposted on local Facebook parents’ groups.
  • It doesn’t take a lot to fascinate babies – really exciting experiences can be made with little time and no money.

Look for more posts soon where I’ll talk about each of the four sessions in detail!